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Ordnance Survey MasterMap Topography Layer® Vector Format in DWG / DXF / SHP / GML and GeoPackage for CAD and GIS systems

OS MasterMap Topography Layer® - CAD - Overview

OS MasterMap Topography Layer gives you access to the most detailed, current and comprehensive dataset of Great Britain in a CAD compatible format:

  • Designed for use with CAD or GIS software
  • OS MasterMap® Topography Layer in a layered vector format
  • Produced using Official Autodesk® Software so no more strange errors when opening in CAD
  • Georeferenced - meaning that the internal coordinate system of the data related to a geographic coordinate system (UK National Grid)
  • Optional height layers (contours and digital terrain model - OS Terrain 5)
  • Extended licence terms available: 1, 2 or 3 years
  • Unlimited outputting (eg PDFs) from CAD of any scale within the selected licence term
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Select Coverage for OS Mastermap GIS | CAD Data
Set Size of Box (metres)
100 to 20000

100 to 20000
Slide to Rotate or type angle 0 to 180
Standard Sizes
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£0.00 + VAT
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A handy note for you and us (required)
Term of data usage - multi year discount included
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Information we need for you to buy MASTERMAP VIA EMAIL
  1. Some Inputs above are mandatory: e.g. the number of copies you intend to use (a legal issue), email and your reference (to help identify this order).
  2. Other settings are optional. Rounded boxes are for information only.
  3. Please look at the Legal and Licensing info (it really is important). How you can use your data.
  4. Add to Cart to start shopping - you can Keep Shopping or Proceed to Checkout.
  5. Checkout has the usual address, payment and consent features. You can add a password if you like, helps speed up later orders.